Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Gene Wilder plays the alcoholic gunslinger, the "Waco Kid" in Mel Brooks comedy Blazing Saddles. He says he has likely killed more men than what famous filmmaker?


Pizza D. Hut said...

Alfred Hitchcock is my guess. I'm ashamed that I don't know this for sure since Blazing Saddles is truly a classic.

Mom said...

Alfred Hitchcock

velochimp said...

Hitchcock of course.

Matt said...

Cecil DeMille...

I hear "stick em up!" I turn around and there was a six year old. I threw down my guns and walked away, the bastard shot me in the ass! I limped into a saloon and been here ever since (or something similar to that). Great line.

Virginia Morgese said...

Francis Ford Coppola

Aunt Sis said...

My guess would be Cecille B DeMille also because of all those epic size movies with all the Romans getting killed off.