Tuesday, May 19, 2009



A handicap is a numerical measure of an amateur golfer's playing ability based on the tees played for a given course. It is used to calculate a net score from the number of strokes actually played, thus allowing players of different proficiency to play against each other on somewhat equal terms. The higher the handicap of a player, the poorer the player is relative to those with lower handicaps.

A golfer's handicap is calculated by determining his average score against par over a number of rounds. If par for a given course is 72 and the golfer has averaged a score of 85 over his last 10 rounds, he would have a handicap of 13. As he finishes more rounds at the course and turns in his official scores, his handicap can go up and down. However, once a handicap has been established, it is difficult for the score to go up more than a few shots in a given season.

A golfer gets an official handicap once he or she has completed at least 10 rounds at an official United States Golf Association course. Scores must be kept on an official scorecard and it needs to be signed by the golfer and one of his playing partners for his score to be considered official. Once you have sent in 10 official scores that have been recognized by the USGA, the organization will send you a handicap card. You can keep that card in your wallet and show it to your competitors when they want to know what your handicap is.

Record: 116-89

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