Monday, September 14, 2009


Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of what?


Mom said...


Aunt Sis said...

Believe it or not I know this. When I taught I would put an unusual fear on the board everyday. The kids loved trying to figure out what they were. I have pages and pages of them.. This one means the fear of peanut butter getting stuck to the roof of your mouth and the root is "arachi" meaning nut plant. It is not from the root for spider.

Matt said...

Schpider Bites

NoNonsenseWoman said...

Uh since Aunt Sis gave us the entire description I'm going to go with her educated mind on this one....Besides spider just seems to simple of an answer.

velochimp said...

Everyone knows that this is the fear of Arachibutyro it's in the name....
This is the fear of Spiders seeking revenge on you by climbing back through the water after you flush them down the toilet.