Sunday, August 1, 2010

ANSWER: Animals


The squid has a soft, torpedo-shaped body surrounded by a mantle, a muscular protective organ. At the posterior end, the mantle has fins, which are usually held close to the body; at the anterior end, it surrounds the head like a collar. The mantle is supported by a horny structure called a pen. The squid moves by jet propulsion—as the mantle opens, water is taken in; as the mantle closes, the water is expelled through the siphon, a nozzlelike structure below the eyes. By bending the siphon, the squid can swim in any direction; however, it usually swims backwards.

The beaklike mouth is surrounded by 10 arms, which are lined with suckers. Two of the arms are tentacles and are used to seize prey, such as fish or crustraceans, and transfer it to the other arms. The arms then hold it in place while the squid feeds.

Record: 264-210

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