Thursday, August 19, 2010

ANSWER: Definitions

The skull

Trepanation is the practice of making a hole in the skull in order to improve the brain pulsations and hence the overall well being.

A trepan is the instrument used for making a hole in the skull bone. It is sometimes spelled trephine. The idea is to pump up the brainbloodvolume. It's known that one's level of consciousness is directly related to the volume of blood in one's brain. As a result, trepanners say, one feels happier and more energetic. The practice of trepanation has been around since the Stone Age. Trepanation is the oldest surgical procedure practiced by mankind. At no time had evidence been found that brain surgery was the intention of this procedure. To the contrary, evidence shows that from the very earliest trepanations elaborate care was taken not to penetrate below the level of the bone membrane. Care was taken not to penetrate through the dura matter. Care was taken not to damage the brain.

Record: 269-218

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