Wednesday, September 17, 2008


What country was Mother Teresa born in?


Mom said...


Anonymous said...


velochimp said...

Brazil, you should have seen her during carnivale!

Virginia Morgese said...

---don't know for sure....probably one of the slovak countries

Matt said...

Ottoman Empire? She was old... and that place was HUGE

Aunt Sis said...

I'll say Italy or Spain.

dennis the menace said...

In 1863 a young Virginia native named Sadie Monk, who had dedicated herself to the Confederacy, was captured by Union troops while spying in New York. While being transported to prison she escaped and found refuge in a local convent. While in hiding she heard of the surrender of General Lee's army and decided to flee the country. She took the name Theresa Morgese and traveled,as Sister Theresa, to England where she discovered her calling. The rest is history.