Wednesday, October 29, 2008


How long did the Hundred Years' War last?


Matt said...

I think it was 111 years...

Aunt Sis said...

Not very long, less than 10yrs?

velochimp said...

107 years or something. It was a long freakin war between the French and the English. It is where the middle finger gesture comes from. English Archers once captured would get their middle finger cut off by French soldiers so they could not use a bow and arrow which was hi-tech at the time. When the English beat the French, they would run around saying Pluck You holding up their in tact middle fingers. It was on that HBO show.

dennis the menace said...

If memory serves (and nowadays it usually serves up old poop!) I'll say around 140 years.

Mom said...

I will say 118 years