Thursday, January 8, 2009

QUESTION: Characters

Naive business grad Norville Barnes goes to the city, gets a job, and makes good (then bad) in The Hudsucker Proxy. Where did Barnes come from?


velochimp said...

Hudsucker, Indiana ? I saw the movie on the plane once but was too cheap to get earphones :(

Matt said...


Good movie, Jennifer Jason Leigh was a bit over the top but Bill Cobbs had a great supporting role in it.

Virginia Morgese said...

sorry - didn't see this one....

gamebike195 said...

I want to say Indiana, but only because Matt seems so confident about it.

Least favorite Coen Bros. movie by far, but I may have to watch it again.

Matt said...

soy- you definately have to see it again. The first time I saw it I was like... "wow, this kind of sucks." but over the summer it was on HBO a lot so I caught it like three or four times and it really did get better each time I saw it. It's got a great cast.

Francis said...

Muncie, Indiana