Thursday, April 2, 2009

QUESTION: Literature

What university did William Shakespeare attend?


Pizza D. Hut said...


Mom said...


Virginia Morgese said...

Why should I be different? Oxford, or maybe he never went to a university....?!?!

Matt said...

Gotta go with Oxford, but yeah, in the back of my mind, I was thinking the same as Virginia. He probably didn't attend any, but Jacquie doesn't do trick questions- does she?

Aunt Sis said...

He didn't attend any university. he "knocked up" Anne Hathaway at the age of 18 and married her. Twins were born 6 mos later....kinda sounds like one of today's kids, huh?

Matt said...

What!? I'm surprised... Anne Hathaway was such a goody goody in The Princess Diaries too. That's disappointing.

Gary said...


Aunt Sis said...

Nope, take it from the English teacher. That's my story and I am sticking to it. I know what you mean about Ann. Look at Jane Seymour. She went all to hell after Hank VIII and started making films and perfume commercials!