Wednesday, November 19, 2008

QUESTION: Car Racing

How many members are there in a NASCAR pit crew?


Gary said...

Billy Joe, Bobby Lee, Possum Willie....let's see, that add up to ATE! (8)

velochimp said...

Hmmm, car racing, F1 teams have about 15 guys jump out for a pit stop, but NASCAR has one per wheel and then a fuel guy, so five that actually do work.

Aunt Sis said...

No idea, how about 12.

JO said...

"MOM" doesn't have internet right now, but her answer is:

"well, one for each tire, one to gas up and one under the hood, so 6"

Matt said...

Stab in the dark and say eight... two tire guys, a guy to clean the windshield, two guys for gas, the pit crew head guy, and then two misc. guys to do a jack and stuff?

Virginia Morgese said...

haven't a clue...but may the best man win