Friday, November 21, 2008


Why is snow white?


Mom said...

I would assume that it's the same as with anything else white. It's something about the white light reflecting off an object as opposed to being absorbed.

velochimp said...

Clouds are racist and only make white snowflakes. Someday we will have snowflakes of all colors when clouds will see their ways.

Virginia Morgese said...

I like your answer, Velochimp.
Can't happen too soon...

Aunt Sis said...

snow is just ice crystals, but the addition of light and the way it reflects make it appear white...that's my answer and I am sticking to it!

Matt said...

The water that the clouds deposit is not distilled... which contains minerals. Those minerals when frozen give a cloudy appearance much like an ice cube from your home refridgerator.

Gary said...

snow = frozen water, water is blue/green, when frozen the color gets "scared" and turns white, much like Casper the Friendly Ghost.